EDITOR'S NOTE: When it comes to literary community - what we think that word means, or could mean, or should - it’s been a hard few weeks for many. For us, too. There has been plenty to read; to talk about at length, and with no clear resolution; to feel and think through on our own; to hear, to listen, to absorb. A friend of mine wrote, "I am grieved but not surprised and that is a very female feeling." I have nodded at this, and other things said. I have been – in turns and at once – heartbroken, breathless, grateful, confused, curious, angry, and ultimately really sad. We’re grateful to have worked with the immensely talented Heroes Are Gang Leaders on our most recent issue. I continue in my admiration, gratitude, and awe for their work and the generosity with which they approached this collaboration. Issue 20 will remain active and live. And until our next new issue goes live, we will feature a favorite from the past: Issue 4 (October 2009). Thank you, as always, for listening. - Hannah Ensor, Co-editor
about us


editor's note




issue 1

issue 2

issue 3

issue 4

issue 5

issue 6

issue 7

issue 8

issue 9

issue 10

issue 11

issue 12

issue 13

issue 14

issue 15

issue 16

issue 17

issue 18

issue 19

issue 20

issue 21

issue 22

issue 23

Issue 4 :: October 2009


Textsound began in 2007 as a bi-annual online journal. Anna Vitale invited Anya Cobler, Adam Fagin, and Laura Wetherington to curate a sound-based project. Without Raphael Motto's generous donation of time and expertise, the site would not exist. Similarly, Ryan Hughes' technical knowledge has been indispensable. In the early years, Whitney Pow assisted with all things technological. Jason Voss donated extensive time & assistance in the recording studio for issue 10.

Hannah Ensor and Laura Wetherington now edit the journal, which is published intermittently.